Monday, May 30, 2011

A Blogger Apology!

I've been busy the last couple of days... very busy and it's only going to get worse over the next few days!  So, I just want to apologize in advance for my lack of upcoming blog posts!  I'll be back to normal blogging soon!

Here's what's been keeping me so busy!

Before... (the duct tape was temporary!)

After Day 1...

Handy Woman!

Here's my bathroom!

Dust-covered Hubby and I


  1. wow, you are busy!!!! looking forward to some "after" pictures! good luck, handy momma!

  2. That looks like a huge project! I am looking forward to the after pictures too!

  3. That means even more to me that you could make it over and read my post. Thank you so much for the comment.

    Good luck with the project. I need to paint a room, but have been putting it off. You are a cool woman! I can't wait to see the end result!

  4. I can't wait for the whole story :)


I LOVE comments! I hope you'll leave one for me! Have a great day!