Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wordless Wednesday #5

Sleeping kids...



  1. sweet! you now have me wondering why baby was bundled up and "helping" dad with yard work? what's the story behind that one?! ;)

  2. Let's see... as far as being bundled, Brennan LOVED to be swaddled so that's how we kept him for the first bit of his life. And he was 'helping' because I thought it would be good for him to spend some time outside- this way dad could keep an eye on him.

  3. Cute pictures! Totally love 'em :) and my fave is of ocurse the one Brennan is swaddled and camping out while dad is doing some graded works LOL. That was hilarious!

    Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment in my blog. Looking forward to reading more of you :)

    Spanish Pinay

  4. Such cute sleepy babies. The first photo is especially great!

  5. I love these "sleeping" makes me want to take a nap =)This just shows, kids can fall asleep anywhere. Mine did one time on the toilet...who'da thunk it!?

  6. Thanks! Kids do have a magical way of sleeping anywhere and everywhere.


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