Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Santa Has a New Trainee!

Brennan has big news!  He got to meet Santa yesterday!  He liked Santa so much, he's decided to train for the job to be Santa in a few more years!  He's gonna look mighty cute in that big beard!

You can see in this picture that Brennan and Santa were having a heart to heart about the demands of the job.  Brennan thinks he's up for it...  B even reminded Santa that he MUST laugh with a big 'Ho Ho Ho!' (and I'm not joking.  He just kept on 'Ho Ho Ho'-ing at Santa!)

Seriously, I wasn't worried about Brennan being afraid of sitting on Santa's lap.  He's not afraid of strangers at all and he recognizes all forms of Santa whether on TV, in pictures, as decorations, etc. and just loves him.  I was a little concerned that if we set him on Santa's lap and then backed away to take pictures that he might get a little concerned.  Turns out, that was NOT the case.  He saw Santa and I watched as his eyes grew big with anticipation.  He was pointing and saying his name while trying to escape the stroller.  As soon as we got him unstrapped, he ran right over to Santa and pulled himself up onto his lap.  No fear... that's my boy!
This one was a little blurry, but I liked the expressions on both Brennan and Santa's faces.  By the way, did you know that when Santa is not out 'in the field' he gets to wear Crocs?  I guess that's his business casual look.  Brennan dressed up a little more for the occasion.  He WAS trying to land the internship.

Brennan was thrilled that he made the nice list.  After all, he was a little worried.  In this picture, he's just double checking that Santa used the right stamp on him.  Looks good to me!


  1. So fun! Well he'll do a great job when he gets a little older taking over for the big guy! Glad he did not have a lorelai experience.

  2. I LOVE that picture of the 2 of them having a serious conversation! That is awesome!!!! Wow...Croc... huh! Who knew! ;)


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