Sunday, January 13, 2013

We Bought a House!

Woo Hoo!  We are super excited to announce that we sold our house and purchased another!  It all went very quickly.  We put our house up for sale by owner just a few days before Christmas.  By January 9th we had signed the purchase agreement to sell it and signed a purchase agreement on our next home!

This is going to be bittersweet.  Our little house has served us well, but it is truly that- little!  We are out of space and it is always a challenge to find enough closet room to store our stuff.  At the same time, we will really miss it.  This was our first house.  This was the house that we did so much to in order to make it our own.  This was the house that we brought our babies home to!  This house holds so many of our memories, both good and bad, but luckily, our memories will also move with us, and so will our pictures!

We are very excited to get into the new house, have more room, and make it our own!  Wish us luck!!


  1. Congrats and enjoy!!! We are still unpacking from buying a home in August! LOL!

  2. Wow! That was really a fast home buying and selling process. Some people think that buying or selling a home could be very challenging, particularly during the holidays. But in your case, everything was finished in a breeze. Congratulations on your new home. Good luck!

    1. Thanks! I worked my butt of putting it out for people to see and I'm so glad it paid off! Things were definitely more hectic because of the holidays.

  3. Oh wow, a new home! What great news to start the year! Well, as your family gets bigger, you also need a house that will accommodate all your needs. This one is just really good for you. I wish your family wealth and happiness in your new home. :'D

    1. Thanks so much, Romana! We are very excited! We're closing on Friday. I can't believe how the time has flown!


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