Friday, October 21, 2011

The never ending to-do list!

Is it just me, or does it seem like everyday your to-do list gets longer and longer, even if you've been faithfully trying to knock tasks off of it?  Because this is the story of my life. 

If I pick a task to work on, I always think of two to three more things I need to add to my list before even finishing the original task.  Boy, do I wish there was a better way of keeping up with it all!  I'm open to anyone's suggestions!

This is a good portion of my current to-do list, but keep in mind, it doesn't include everything...
Put up plastic window insulation
Put all flower pots in garage
Dig up Dahlias
Cover Hydrangea in leaves
Finish collecting leaves and mow
Put up Christmas lights
Update perpetual calendar
Finish sewing Ryan’s vest (Halloween costume needed by 10/28)
Sew Arm Garters (Halloween costume needed by 10/28)
Catch up baby journaling (I'm only about 2 months behind...)
Finish B’s baby book
Start and complete B’s card book
Order photo book for Great Grandma Jan
Finish all details for our gender reveal party (there are a lot , but I don't want to give them away yet...)
Clean house from top to bottom
Finish cross stitch stocking by Christmas
Crochet someone's Christmas gift
Start finding and buying Christmas gifts
Research and buy a few necessary baby items (double stroller, new rocker, SIDS motion detector)
Take 16 week pregnancy photos... (I'm 17 weeks already)
Put up closet organizers in Brennan's closet
TRY to keep up blogging

I really do enjoy doing a lot of these things.  The problem is finding the time and meeting the deadlines while still keeping up with my rambunctious (to put it lightly) 20 month old, the dozens of loads of laundry and cloth diapers that pile up each month, keeping the house as clean and I can manage, and my very part time work schedule.  Maybe one day I'll cross off the very last item on my list and take a vacation!

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I LOVE comments! I hope you'll leave one for me! Have a great day!